The Bizze Home is written and operated by Mindy Bizzell and no posts are sponsored or paid for by third parties and contain only my sole opinion, not influenced by the company or manufacturer of any item I review or discuss.
This blog contains affiliate links which means I may receive a commission when you purchase a product through a link at no cost to you. This blog also contains banner ads from third parties. The content of these banners are provided by their respective management companies and when visiting these websites you are advised to check the veracity of their claims for yourself. The Bizze Home does not endorse banner ads but does carefully select which companies we allow to advertise here on the blog.
The Bizze Home is not intended for or advertised to children under 16, the content here is intended for adults. We do not endorse obscene or inappropriate content, but consider ourselves to be family friendly.
Any photos displayed on The Bizze Home are either credited to outside sources, used with permission, or the sole property of The Bizze Home and have been taken by me personally. Said photos are not available for outside use or reproduction without permission.