Another example is a light fixture that I recently fell in love with from Shades of Light, the Boho Carrick Sconce. I almost forgot my rule and bought this without looking for the same light somewhere else, but google image search came in clutch AGAIN. I found the same light from the manufacturer, Mitzi , on sale at Amazon for $80 cheaper as the Tessa Wall Sconce. And to think I'd almost paid 25% more because I was dazzled by the (admittedly) beautiful Shades of Light website!
One of the best examples I've found to date of a pricey item available at another retailer for less is the Serena and Lily "Tucker" chair. This chair is also available at Design Within Reach ( as the "Salt" chair. Same chair, same manufacturer (TON, a European maker), with two different price points. DWR will frequently put the "Salt" chair on sale for 30% off and then you can stack a 20% off coupon on top of that -- which turns out to be a huge savings over the price at Serena and Lily -- and DWR offers free shipping (S&L does not).
Give this trick a try anytime you're buying something on the pricier side, besides making economic sense it's sort of like a fun treasure hunt across the internet. It doesn't work every time, but when it does it feels like a win, and we all need more of those!
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